St. Vincent de Paul – Roseburg
St. Vincent de Paul of Roseburg is a Christian Ministry office. SVDP provides assistance for individuals and families with utilities, gas, prescriptions, clothing, food; and as circumstances and funding permits, with rent or emergency one-night lodging. With utilities, a shut off notice or past due notice is required; and rent, a 72 hour eviction notice is required. In either case, clients are asked to pay a portion of the bill.
OPEN: Mondays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Located at 630 W. Stanton Street, Roseburg, at the south end of St. Joseph Education Center.
Phone: 541-580-0680
St. Vincent de Paul – Myrtle Creek
Retail thrift store and Christian Services—offers rent and utility assistance once a year (eviction notice and past due utility bill required), prescription assistance, food box (once a month), and gasoline (drivers license required). FUNDS ARE LIMITED WHEN AVAILABLE.
Phone: 541-863-5489 (Store) or 541-863-3310 (Office)
St. Vincent de Paul – Sutherlin (Serves Wilbur North to Curtin)
Retail thrift store and Christian Ministry—emergency aid provided for rent, utilities, gas, prescription assistance, lodging (limited to one night only in emergency only), clothing and food. For utility assistance, shut off notice or past due notice is required. For rent, 72-hour formal eviction notice is required. Do not pay deposits. Help with telephone bills, if required by doctor. Gas assistance given for emergency aid only and evidence of car insurance must be presented. All information will be verified before any assistance is provided. FUNDS ARE LIMITED WHEN AVAILABLE.
Phone: 541-459-3394 (Thrift Store) or 541-459-6435 (Christian Ministry)